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Enstar’s community involvement activities support the local causes and communities we feel passionately about, individually and collectively.

Our corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme is a global initiative with a local focus. We make a difference through a mixture of charitable giving and the volunteering time of our people, with a particular focus on our chosen Sustainable Development Goals (climate action and gender equality). We continue to support a wide range of charities across all our territories, including our support for those affected by global humanitarian crises.



We are proud to partner with the following charities:


Duchenne UK

Duchenne UK was founded by two mothers whose sons were diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a devastating muscle-wasting disease. The charity’s mission is to end Duchenne through groundbreaking medical research, accelerating access to treatments, improving lives through technology, and ensuring everyone in the DMD community is given the care and support they need.

We were an official sponsor for the 2024 Duchenne Dash (an annual cycle from London to Paris). Our sponsorship ensured all the cyclists (and their bikes) were well looked after along the way. We are proud to be supporting Duchenne UK and playing our part in the fight against DMD. Together, we will end Duchenne.


Girls Friendly Society (GFS)

Since 1875 GFS has been supporting disadvantaged girls and young women across England and Wales, enabling them to be themselves and proud of who they are. GFS prioritise girls in communities where financial challenges and lack of opportunities can mean they are marginalised and gender inequalities are deepened. GFS run groups which are low-cost, inclusive spaces in which girls can engage with the fun and effective GFS programme. Through the proven programme girls build their confidence, wellbeing, resilience, and self-esteem which provide strong foundations for life’s challenges ahead.

Our support has enabled GFS to launch a new girls’ group in Hackney, an area close to our London office that remains one of the most economically deprived areas in the UK. We have also undertaken a range of volunteering with them, to support their work with girls’ groups across the country.


Invest In Girls (IIG)

IIG is a programme of the Council for Economic Education. IIG’s mission is to usher in the next generation of financially literate girls and increase the number of women working in finance and finance-related fields.

We sponsor a school cohort of girls in New York City through a year of modules covering personal finance and career exploration. We also support other IIG students across the US through the IIG Online programme and have taken part in a number of career information sessions with students, to help them understand more about the careers and pathways of women working in the finance industry.


Knowledge Quest

Knowledge Quest was founded in 2001 and provides scholarships for capable and ambitious Bermudian students of limited financial means to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their professional goals. Since 2001 they have helped more than 275 Bermudians to achieve further studies at accredited educational establishments.

In addition to our financial support for the charity, we will connect scholarship recipients to Enstar’s internship and employment opportunities. There will also be opportunities for our employees to mentor Knowledge Quest’s scholars.


Make A Difference Foundation (MAD)

For over two decades, Enstar's partnership with MAD Leadership Foundation has significantly impacted South African youth from underprivileged communities, confronting disparities in education quality and access. MAD's comprehensive scholarship programme, spanning high school to tertiary education, emphasises personalised development in financial, academic, personal, and leadership areas.

Since its inception by Francois Pienaar in 2003, the Foundation has supported 485 scholars, achieving a 100% matriculation pass rate with 282 matric certificates and 170 tertiary graduates. The programme, noted for its projected 171% Social Return On Investment over ten years, extends its impact beyond individual scholars to their families and the broader society, fostering social mobility and economic growth through education and leadership skills development.



Enstar's Saracens Partnership

Saracens is a leading sports organisation based in London.

Our partnership focuses on their women’s rugby union and netball teams – Saracens Women and Saracens Mavericks. Although the men’s rugby team are professional, many of the women who play for Saracens have to combine elite sport with their work or study commitments.

Our support to Saracens helps to remove barriers that still exist for women in sport. By sponsoring the women’s rugby and netball teams, we will make a significant difference to the development of the female players on these teams. Our logo appears on the women’s team uniforms and in matchday programmes.

We have undertaken a range of activities with Saracens, including a session for UK Black History Month where four Saracens players came into our office to discuss their personal journeys and experiences as black sportspeople.



Collage of Enstar employees as volunteers